
Portal test chamber 13
Portal test chamber 13

portal test chamber 13

Then ride it back so you can enter your first portal and get into the room. Put a portal on the wall on your side of the large gap, then ride the moving platform to the other side and stand on the button there so you can shoot another portal past the door. This first chamber is going to be very simple. Portal: Still Alive | Challenge Maps & Advanced Chambers Still Alive 1 I personally would imagine that watching what to do would be far more useful considering the type of game this is, but if reading works for you, then go for it. As for finishing the chambers, you can read on what to do, or you can look up chambers in the playlist link here for easy access to all of them. The Advanced Chambers, on the other hand, are unlocked from the start. The 20 chambers unlock in order you need to beat Still Alive 1 to get to Still Alive 2, and so on. This was mentioned in the story page, but a video of it will be provided lower on the page. The three categories are time, steps, and portals used, and the easiest one to get a gold medal on is Test Chamber 14's portals used category since it's super easy to finish in only two portals. Another achievement requires you to earn at least one gold medal on any of these 20 maps, or one of the original Test Chambers 13-18.

portal test chamber 13

For three more achievements, you'll have to complete these at least once. There are 14 new chambers added to this version of Portal, and there are also six advanced chambers, which are enhanced versions of Test Chambers 13-18.

Portal test chamber 13