
Kingdom come deliverance workshop
Kingdom come deliverance workshop

Remove any heavy, noisy clothes and sneak past the dogs to reach his front door, which will be secured with an easy-level lock. Otherwise you'll need to lure him out of his house, or return at night for a daring raid on his property. The hangman's estate is located near the gallows, and if your persuasion skills are up to scratch you can convince him to just hand the ring over for 15 Groschen.

kingdom come deliverance workshop

You can either return to Peshek now and tell him that the ring wasn't in the grave - where he'll reason that the executioner must have pinched it, and even offer you training to improve your thieving skills - or head directly to the executioner's house to claim the jewellery. That's marked on the map, so head there and put your shovel to work, where you'll discover – shock horror – that the ring is nowhere to be found. You'll need to dig up the body of an executed criminal, who lies southwest of Peshek's mill, on Gallow Hill. It's not marked on the map, but you should be able to find it without too much trouble. You can find a shovel lying on the cart right next to the mill. Unfortunately, the actions the miller requires of you are not exactly.

kingdom come deliverance workshop

Peshek wants you to repay the money he's had to spend on herbalist appointments and whatnot, and if you want to be debt-free in 1403, you should get Peshek off your back ASAP. It seems you've racked up quite the debt by lying unconscious in his mill the past two weeks, which doesn't exactly seem fair, but then it is the Middle Ages. Once you've finished the intro and gathered your things, go and talk to Miller Peshek, who will give you this multi-part quest. This will likely be the first side quest you come across, unless you flee from Rattay immediately after waking up there.

Kingdom come deliverance workshop